Brussels Upper Limb Arthroscopy Workshop (BULAW)

Welcome to the fifth edition of the Brussels Upper Limb Arthroscopy Workshop !

As in the previous editions this course will aim primarily young orthopaedic surgeons as well as post graduates at the end of their training who wish to start on an upper limb arthroscopy activity.
The course will be divided over two days, the 02 of February for shoulder arthroscopy and the 03 of February for wrist and elbow arthroscopy.
Participants will have the choice to subscribe to one or two of these three courses, however because the number of places is limited, the priority in registration will be based on a first arrived first served principle.

This Workshop will be focused on the practical side of the three upper limb arthroscopies in few sections which will try to cover the main indications of these procedures. Theory will be intentionally minimized in 5 minutes flash presentations from our renowed experts preceding each practical session to allow participants to have a maximum time of practice.
Every participant will be grouped by pair according to their self assesed level in arthroscopy and each pair will have access to one cadaveric specimen.

To give the participants the opportunity to fully profit to the workshop time, a pre-requisite document will be available on this website one month before the courses to give some informations they will be supposed to know before to start the workshop.

We hope this workshop will give the opportunity to discover arthroscopy in a very interresting and passionfull point of view and will be the begining of new skills in upper limb arthroscopy.

Fabian Moungondo and Luc Van Overstraeten